From The Mana World
Revision as of 21:47, 31 August 2011 by Hiccup (talk | contribs) (Add details for the new Bot)
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ManaMarket is a friendly bot written by Hiccup and PjortOroal, inspired by the recently deceased TradeBot written by Turmfalke. He is located in the General Store in Hurnscald. He allow's players to add items for sale, which are then available for purchase for up to 3 weeks (see !relist). All commands are available through whispers (Note: manaplus right click and buy is supported for purchasing listed items).


You must whisper ManaMarket in order to issue a command.

 /w ManaMarket <command>

Public commands

  • !list
This will send back a list of items currently on sale.
  • !find <name> or <Item id>
This will return a list of items with the specified Item Id or the name. For example /w ManaMarket !find ore
  • !buy <amount> <uid>
This will allow you to buy an item from the list. For example: To purchase an item shown in the list as:
[selling] [6] 5 [Iron Ore] for 1000gp each 
you would type '/w ManaMarket !buy 1 6'. This would one of item 6 (Iron Ore).

Seller commands

The following commands are only available to players with seller access (access level 5 or above).

  • !add <amount> <price> <item name>
This command is used to add items for sale. For example: If you want to sell 10 Iron Ore, for 5000GP each, you would type "/w ManaMarket !add 10 5000 Iron Ore". After a correct command the Bot asks for a Trade. Accept and add your items.
  • !info
You can check your current access level, the number of slots you have free, the money you have earned and a list of your items.
  • !relist <uid>
An item is shown in the list for a week before it needs to be re-listed, this command is used to relist an item. Note: An item can only be re-listed for 3 weeks, before it must be collected using the !getback command, this is to prevent unsold items from remaining in the list.
  • !getback <uid>
This will return an unsold item from the list.
  • !money
This will trade you back any money earned from the sale of your items.
  • !help <command> or !help
This will show a list of commands of provide more information about a given command.

Access Level

The Access Level decides what commands you are able to use:

  • Level -1
A user who has been blocked for exploiting/spamming ManaMarket.
  • Level 0
You are able to buy items. Available Commands: !list, !buy, !find, !help
  • Level 5
You are able to sell items. Available Commands: In addition to level 0 commands you have access to !add, !relist, !info, !money, !getback
  • Level 20
You have access to admin commands.